Stuttgart here I come

And now for the "super secret special announcement":

w00t!  I am now listed as a speaker on the ApacheCon Speakers Page!  Now I just need to figure out what my login details are so I can upload a pic.

More beautiful words were never read in an email than:

Thank you for your recent session proposal for ApacheCon Europe 2005.

The following sessions have been selected and

(1238) 'Installing and Configuring Apache 2.0 on MacOS X'

Apache Software Foundation Logo

That's right people the gods of web server software have deigned to invite me to Germany for ApacheCon Europe 2005!

I will be giving an hour talk on installing and configuring Apache 2.0 on MacOS X.  My original proposal was for a half day tutorial that included an overview of Waffles and their impact on world events, but hey for a free ride to Germany I can save the Waffle talk till after.

I am not cool enough to actually be listed on the Speakers Page, which is fine really.  But look at that, ahhhhh its the good Drbacchus (third speaker listed)!

I am super excited about this, not only because I get to to go to Germany, but because I have been trying to get into the convention speaking gig for a while now.  Many good things can come of this.

Okay, here is the uncomfortable part for me.  I am hoping to stay for the entire conference.  Being a speaker my travel, meals and stay are covered for a specific period.  I have worked out the room situation so that is no biggie... but money for food and such is a different story.

With Baby Davis on the way money is getting tighter and tighter, so I am asking you internet to help a brother out.  If you are one of the multitudes that uses one of my plugins, or is using Persian currently; if I have helped you out via email or IRC please think about donating.  It really bothers me to be doing this, I do what I do because I love it, no other reason.  But honestly Internet I could use your help with this one.

That is all I am going to say on this, if I actually get donations I will put up something to show the total, but if not *shrugs* we go on as usual.  I will also create a page of Silly Supporters, you know if I actually have any.

Oh and another thing, I am hoping to have an impromptu WordPress Meetup while at the con, so if you are a WordPresser who lives in/around Stuttgart, Germany or you are planning on attending ApacheCon Europe watch this space for an invitation, time and place closer to the event.