A good couple of days


Man, it has been a good couple of days for those of us in Habari land.

Yesterday we added two more commiters to the project, Ali Al-Wasity and Michael Heilemann. They both have been doing amazing work on Habari, and it is a real sign of our commitment to the meritocratic model that we extended membership to them.

This brings our commiter pool to 22. Just fantastic. If that wasn't enough to make me smile, I found out this morning that Habari has been added to the FreeBSD Ports Collection, and we are well underway with some of our translations.

Speaking of great work, Owen lit a fire under our collective butts and we are hard at work getting Monolith in shape and ready for release. You won't believe some of the insanely cool things we have coming.

It is safe to say that steam is being picked up and Habari is set to take some major leaps this year. I hope you are all along for the ride.