And then I changed my mind.
Ask anybody, I am not one to change my mind often. Once I come to a decision on something I very rarely "switch directions" as it were.
One of those things was how I viewed the issue with what women are able to wear, and should be able to wear in public. I have always been very much in favor of the thought that women should be able to wear whatever they want, but in practice I always felt that was a bad attitude to take.
I always saw women dressing based on how men would see them, and treat them, as a survival skill. Is it the way it should be? Of course not. But I also shouldn't walk through a pack of wolves wearing a meat suit. It's just common sense.
As I get older, and more importantly, I raise two boys, I am starting to see how my feelings on this topic have been dead wrong. And please, this isn't about how I feel about the clothes women choose to wear, my feelings and opinion are irrelevant to the main topic. For full disclosure I would prefer that women dress less provocatively, not for me but for themselves.
Beauty and sexiness have become equated with how tight your clothes are, or how little of them you wear, and that seems really, really sad to me. That's my opinion though and I am entitled to it, so let's move on.
What I have come to realize is that the way men have been twisted by our culture, and the affect that it has on women is a very real, very sinister form of oppression. And make no mistake, men are conditioned to view women this way. We don't come into this world thinking of women as objects. Talk to a 6 year old boy sometime and tell me he is objectifying women.
Do men have natural, in-born tendencies and urges that need to be overcome? Absolutely. Some of us more than others. But they can be overcome if we try.
By teaching our young boys how they should act towards young girls we lay the groundwork for how they will treat them when they are big boys and big girls. So parents, what are you teaching your little ones about each other?
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