Apples Madness

UPDATE: Today (02.08.02) the website for zettabyte solutions now displays content. Unfortunately it is a paragraph stating thus:

Due to legal restrictions we will no longer be able to sell our SuperDrive equipped eMac. We will honor all existing customer's warranties. Thank you for visiting.

This morning while giving KB a ride to work we discussed the "illusion" as he put it, of secrets. Particularly the secrets that are kept by software and hardware giants like Apple, and Microsoft. while he and I disagree on some of his points the logic is sound. I just don't believe that in a world where the majority of presidents and CEO's are driven by greed and the bottom line, we can ever hope to see the utopian ideals embodied by the Clue Train Manifesto, of which, by the way I am a listed signatory.

So it is with great loathing that I communicate this very disheartening event. Recently Apple introduced a new class of computer, namely the eMac, standing for education mac. After the huge success of this product they moved it into the retail market. while this was great news for the masses of mac users who wanted a cheaper G4, it was lacking in one key area. The only optical drive options were a cd-rom and later a combo cd-rw/dvd-rom.

Strangely absent was the Superdrive that everyone knows and loves.

A third party company decided to fill that gap. They purchased eMacs directly from Apple, and then retro-fitted them with superdives, then sold them with warranties from thier website. Apple legal recently shut them down. As of this posting, is no longer even functioning. The only way to get any content from them is to go to the old webstore. The last time I saw something about them they were planning on selling upgrade kits, and they said they had worked out a way to give powerbook G4, and iBook users dvd burning capabilites.

I sincerely hope that they are still planning on this. There are rumors that the new tiBooks will be 1 gig and have superdrives, but that doesn't help me and my 550 at all, does it?

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