Baby Davis update
Wow, what a whirlwind 24 hours this has been!
First things first, mother and baby are doing fine. There were some very scary moments there, but in the end through the skill of our doctor, and the strength of my wife things turned out okay.
Now I know the question on everyones mind is what did we have, a boy or a girl? Well at 2:10 October 5th (on her due date, w00t!) we had a beautiful, perfect, 7 pound 13 ounce, 20.5 inch bouncing baby boy!
I have no words to express what it feels like to have a child; to hold him in my arms and watch him sleep, stretch and discover his new world. Life will never be the same again, and frankly I don't want it to be.
From Heather, myself and now little Jakob Michael, thanks for all your prayer, well-wishing and good thoughts. They were very much felt and appreciated.
Heather is still in recovery from her c-section, so I won't be around the house much. I hope to have pictures up on my flickr account today or tomorrow. I will also write a longer missive that chronicles the roller coaster we went through to get little Jakob here.
See you soon.
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