Bah! Stupid Programming pt. 3


Well since my last rant I have been able to implement a dock menu that grabs the contents of my database and displays it. Heres a snippet:

dim d as database
  dim c as databasecursor
  dim s as string
  dim ci as databasecursorField
  s="select SelectedURL from Conan where SiteName='"+me.cell(me.ListIndex,0)+""
Exception err as OutOfBoundsException
  submenu3.appendMenuItem(ci.stringValue, commandID)
  commandID = commandID + 1

Now you might be thinking, "hey bub, I know a little about this whole MacOS X thing and accessing the dock and building dynamic menus isn't that big of a deal." Normaly I would agree with you, only I am accessing the Cocoa Declare Libraries through a Carbon program. Which you're not supposed to be able to do.

I just have to figure out how to get the selection to work and I am done with the dock implementation! Whoo Hoo!

Of course then I have to tackle the import crud, getting Conan to import the bookmarks from IE, Netscape/Mozilla and Chimera Navigator.

In other news I decided to take a break from the drudgery of programming Conan yesterday and wrote another program. So I wrote Gnarly. It stil has one piece of code I have to figure out, but it is done for the most part. Gnarly is a manager for user authetication sites you are part of.

Just input the user name, pass, and URL of the site and add it to the database. Then when you need to go to, you can just click on it in Gnarly.

I love my hobbies.