Busy, busy, busy
Just thought I would drop a line, lest you think I don't care about my readers anymore!
I have become swamped of late, and find it more difficult to write something for the site. Between a massive tutorial I am writing on CSS and WordPress, my job which is becoming increasingly hectic and my home life which is always hectic, I am running around like a chicken with a head location problem.
Add to that I am writing a couple of books and designing the block for two more, you can see where things are heading. I hope to return to churning out plugins and hacks for WordPress and posting more tutorials in the near future, but for the short-term I will be hitting a low posting tide.
If you need something I tend to hang out in #wordpress mon - fri 7:30 - 4:00 or so. If you know me then you can guess which nick is mine, feel free to ping me.
Until later then.
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