CC License Hack
I really don't consider this a breaking of my no-blogging vow since this is the way that I release hacks for Wordpress.
By popular demand I am releasing the hack I wrote to copyright your Wordpress powered blog with a Creative Commons License. Download the .zip file over here.
Now there will be directions in the zip file, but per usual I will list here the funtion that you need to include in your my-hacks.php file:
function the_copyright() {
global $tableoptions, $tablecopyright;
$query = ("SELECT option_value FROM $tableoptions WHERE option_name = 'copyright_option'");
$result = mysql_query($query);
while ($data = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
$copyvalue = stripslashes("$data[0]\n
"); }
$query2 = ("SELECT copyright FROM wp_copyright WHERE option_value = '$copyvalue'");
$result2 = mysql_query($query2);
while ($data2 = mysql_fetch_row($result2)) {
echo stripslashes("$data2[0]
\n"); }
That is it for that hack. Oh and one thing that I left out was that you need to have a .gif file named somerights.gif in the root level of your site. You can use the one I have here, or you can use one of your own making.
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