Clear Home One WiMax
Recently the wife, boy and I moved from an apartment on the first floor, to the fourth. This was made necessary due to a great many factors, but suffice it to say we couldn't stay where we were anymore and the management was happy to accommodate our relocation needs.
This of course meant I needed to move my internet service, which for AT&T means canceling the service I have, and getting a new account. You might be asking yourself why in the world one would need to cancel an account and then have a new account provisioned for them? Why not just transfer the current account to the new slot in the DSLAM?
You could ask this question of AT&T but I would advise against it. I still haven't fully recovered from the aneurism caused by that discussion. Do yourself a favor and just accept that somethings are moronic and out of your control to fix.
So anyway, we put the order in and the customer service rep told us the earliest date they could have the new account up and running was the 25th of this month. We were told this on the 13th. 12 frigging days to send someone out to move my card from one rack of the DSLAM to another.
I felt another aneurism coming on.
So I was talking to @dgouldin about this and he mentioned that I should look into Clear, since they offered 4g WiMAX in our area and it runs in the 3 - 6 mbps range, which is what I was getting from AT&T.
So I hopped in the car after work and headed to the mall where Clear has a kiosk and picked up a modem. I was a bit excited to say the least. The gentleman that signed me up mentioned that my location has a better signal strength than even the mall did, which apparently has a great signal.
Bolstered by this info I headed home to get my new mobile broadband goodness running. Of course as with most things, the good times were fleeting. I am paying for 3 - 6 mbps per sec and the most I have been able to eek out of the blasted thing is 2.5 mbps, and that was in a window with full signal strength, as indicated on the modem.
Having the modem where I need it for my setup, I am lucky to get 1.9 out of it. Incredibly disappointing. If you live in Frisco, TX and need high speed internet, I would steer clear of Clear for now, they just can't deliver on their promises.
Luckily there is a 7 day window that will allow me to get a full refund. It is just depressing… I had such high hopes.
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