Keep the Sillyness Coming
Click below to become a Silly Supporter. Any donation of US $5.00 or more (or its equivalent) will get you in the door, and any donation of $20.00 or more will get you into the site spotlight rotation.
Click here to donate and become a member:
The Pitch.
So yeah, here it goes. I have written quite a few plugins/hacks for the WordPress Community as well as offered up a large amount of my time for support via our IRC channel.
I am not saying this to justify asking for money from you good people, there is no argument that I could make that would make it appropriate to try and squeeze money out of you; so I am not going to try and do that. No, I will not be attempting to guilt you into opening your hearts and your checkbooks today. What I have decided after looking at and assessing the community, was to set up a donation page that will allow you to become a supporter of Sillyness Spelled Wrong Intentionally.
What this means to you.
I have great plans for this space in the months to come, if you would like to help me realise my vision then donation is for you. When your donation has been recieved you will become an Official Supporter, a sponsor if you will, of Sillyness and the work that goes on here. As added value I will periodically highlight the site of a supporter in my main blog prominately; my site currently generates ~40-50k page views a month which could be signifigant mindshare for some blogs/sites.
I have also realized I have become too busy of late to write plugins/hacks for the number of people that request them. So if you are a supporter who gives a certain amount, you will be able to request a hack/plugin/tutorial from yours truly. I will of course still be releasing plugins and tutorials on a hopefully regular basis, but it will be ones that I choose, and much more infrequent that in the past.
What are your plans for the future?
I will be adding some features to my photoblog light and shadow that will allow you to purchase high quality prints of the images, or high quality digital downloads.
So here begins the experiment. If this actually goes somewhere it will allow me to dedicate more time to WordPress and to the Community; this means writing more plugins and writing a monthly tutorial series aimed at getting the most out of WP on your site. This cannot happen without your help. Thanks for your time.
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