Five things
You didn’t know about me. Gee, thanks Rich.
I usually don't do these things anymore, but seeing as it was Rich that tagged me I thought I would make an exception.
- I am a countertenor, meaning that I can sing in the alto range. Up until 5 years ago I was actually a sopranist, meaning my range extended into soprano. Oddly enough I usually sing Bass when I perform, since I have an unusually low end for a countertenor.
- When I was 15 (1992) I had my ears pierced, and wore earrings, and usually a big 'ol chain, until 3 years ago (click for very bad, pictorial evidence And look, long hair!).
- I am a published poet.
- Even when I want to, or need to I am unable to cry.
- I can play, with varying degrees of skill, the following instruments: Guitar, piano, french horn, trumpet and saxaphone. I hope to pick up Cello sometime soon.
And that is it, I refuse to tag anyone else with this meme, the insanity stops here!
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