Hurumph. On whos authority?
Well well Basil. I don't know whos authority you have it on, but here, it says, and I quote:
Yes, we know the current Statement of Faith, albiet tweaked as of last week, is still the wrong shoe for our feet. We are busy re-writing and radically reducing it. When it goes online, we will announce it here, and will label it as such. And don't worry, when the new SOF goes up, it will not be written in stone. Just as our current SOF isn't.
Wow, hmm seems that it says right there that it was a "tweaked" version of the original, which would also be known as "new and improved", wouldn't it? I don't know if MeanDean was speaking out of turn there, but I tend to get my information from places, like oh I don't know, the website.
Oh and I thought that I would pass on to you that you are mispelling the site title, they prefer blogs4God, I have it on good authority.
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