Ichthus 2008
Ah, another year another Ichthus Music Festival.
Part of my job at the College is to support the Public Relations Department when their endeavors involve our web presence. During Ichthus, PR runs an American Idol like contest, which has had various names over the years, with this year being "AC LIVE".
Each year young, and sometimes old, audition on camera for a chance to perform live on stage at the festival. The auditions run the gamut from laugh out loud funny to truly inspiring. Each year I am blown away by the talent you can find hiding in the crowd.
At the end of the festival we place these auditions on our site, with features in place to allow for contestants to find their audition and email it to themselves or to a friend. It is one of the high points of my job here to work with this type of content, since I believe it really brings something unique and engaging to our web presence.
Check out the site, and look for this years auditions and winning performances on Tuesday June 17th.
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