M$ Licensing


I found this site concering M$'s icensing model via MeanDean's HealYourChuch.com Website.

It refers to the new licensing model that M$ has moved to, as well as outlining the confusing history of licensing with the beast.

Here is a little snippet from that site:

No more. Now, we have to purchase what is basically upgrade insurance by a particular deadline (it was September but this seems to have been moved to February). We also have to pay to upgrade everything to Office XP at the same time. If we do not do this, we will wind up paying over 200% more if we decide to upgrade at some point in the future.

Okay, so Microsoft is forcing us to pay now for a product which we may or may not want in the future. Personally, I believe they know that Office XP is not a product which most people want - in fact, I don't know of any system manager anywhere who is even considering upgrading to the new version. Why not? The user interface is significantly different (requiring retraining), the performance is poor (requires more hardware to operate) and the benefits TO THE USER are completely nonexistent.

More ammunition to switch to Linux and OpenOffice; or just buy a PowerMac.