Memory Eternal!


Martyr Anastasia the Roman

Martyr Anastasia the Roman - remembered on October 29th

Rome (3rd)

Troparion in tone 4

Your lamb Anastasia, O Jesus,

Calls out to You in a loud voice:

I love You, O my bridegroom,

And in seeking You, I endure suffering.

In Baptism I was crucified so that I might reign in You,

And died so that I might live with You.

Accept me as a pure sacrifice,

For I have offered myself in love.

By her prayers save our souls, since You are merciful.

Kontakion in tone 3

Purified by the waters of virginity, O righteous one,

You were wedded by the blood of martyrdom, O Anastasia.

You grant healing and salvation to those who are in need,

And who call on you from their hearts,

For Christ gives you strength, pouring out on you everflowing grace!

kondakion and troparian taken from

Yesterday in the early morning Anthony "Tony" Benson, a dear friend and loved one fell asleep in the Lord. He will be deeply missed, but we rejoice now in the knowledge that he knows a bliss beyond any of our understanding.

I am still new to Orthodoxy, and am not sure what exhortations, or exclamations are appropriate for those not in communion with the conanical church; but I feel no trepidation saying,

Tony Benson, May You Memory be Eternal.