More additions to the photoblog

As I promised sometime ago I have a photo section up and running and I have added the first of hopefully many images from Thursday Nights at the Inn On Applegrove.

This was a good night to start things off with since we had a fairly large group, ten in all, 12 if you count the dog and cat.  I can't really put into words how much these get-togethers mean to me; to have those that have become my family not only in the light of eternity, but that have in a very real and present way become loved ones in this life, gathered in my home to eat and laugh, there is no better way to spend an evening.

I can't think of a better way to manifest the communion we all share through partaking of the Eucharistic elements than to spend a night together when we could have all easily just stayed home.  For me this is the real test of ecclesia fortitude; meaning how do we manifest the Body outside of the temple space.  It is not really that difficult to love each other on Sunday for 3 hours; but to come together mid-week and offer that time up as a sacrifice of love is a good mark twain (see the bottom of the page for the definition) for the health and vitality of your local parish community I would think.

I think upon reflection that our local community is in good shape, since we had roughly 1/5 of our little parish show up and share food and fellowship.  I don't post much about my faith or about the earth-shattering changes that I have gone through over the last 3 years, on this road to Orthodoxy.  There are a few entries that begin to talk about it, some like Humbled and thankful give you a glimpse into the deification that is happening as I move closer to the top of the mountain of my salvation, while some like Changes from way back in 2002, around this time actually, relates the moment I finally began to believe in "the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of life" when my very soul responded to Spiritual authority for the first time.

There are other entries, you can find them listed together by following this link.  There is nothing profound or beautiful there, nothing that can do justice to the reality of this Truth and Life that Heather and I have entered into.  I prefer to leave the theology and dogma to my beloved friends Kevin Basil, Reader Athanasius, et al. And the beauty of the faith is professed much more eloquently by others.

I have decided to talk more here about my journey along the ancient way, if for no other reason than to have a narrative for myself to reflect upon in the future.  Hopefully along the way I can work out more of my salvation with fear and trembling.  Anybody willing to work with me?