New Site, new blog
With my move to consulting full time, I have relaunched my business site, and part of that relaunch is a blog where I can talk about the work I and my co-horts in crime are doing.
When I started this site, way back when, it was an outlet for everything in my life, not just development. Over the years the content started drifting more and more towards development and design for a number of reasons, no the least of which was those posts were getting the most traffic.
There is nothing wrong with tailoring your articles to what you audience responds to, but somewhere along the way I forgot that this space was for me, not you... per se. With this in mind, and the fact that I now have a second site to populate with content, I have decided to move all my design/development focused ranting to The Dispatch.
What does this mean for Sillyness going forward? Well first off it means that things are going to get a lot more personal around here, and quick. I will begin writing again about my life, my faith and the adventure of fatherhood.
I will also post links to interesting articles I write over at The Dispatch here, but those will be more like asides, and not full blown entries. I understand and appreciate that a great many people have my feed bookmarked, and never come to this site, so I don't want to completely alienate them.
I sincerely hope that my readers enjoy this reversion in format to the heady days of old. I know I am looking forward to it.
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