Not happy.


Okay, I just wanted to warn you, if you run a weblog with comments that you might fall prey to a nefarious type of spamming.

I just came on to check my site and noticed that my recently commented section had some really crazy text in it that had to deal with porn and other none to pleasant topics.  When I went to that post I found that a spammer had commented on one of my posts with some sort of script that inserts text into the name, an email into the email, and then some more text into the comment section.

They are taking advantage of the fact that I don't require verification of email before you can comment.  This sucks... bad.  I don't want this to keep happening and have no desire to police my posts to make sure that someone hasn't done this again so I now have a decision to make on this subject; do I disabe comments, which is one of my favorite parts of this blog, or do I just keep deleting crap like this if it happens again?

Anyway just be forewarned that if you run a blog with comments that this might happen to you.