Off to Ohio Linux


As you read this, I am on the road, driving the benz to Columbus to speak at the Ohio Linux Fest. It has been strange preparing for this engagement, since for the first time, my slides won't have any code in them!

All the talks I have given to date have been covering specific types of technology (XSLT) or methods for using technology (Apache 2 on MacOS X). Never have I spoken about trends, and philosophies in conjunction with technology. This certainly should be interesting.

I am looking forward to seeing some people again (Owen and Scott) and some for the first time (Morydd and TBWITWW). If you are in the Columbus area and would like to hang out and talk about all things blogging, leave me a comment here. I am planning on being in Columbus until Sunday morning, so I hope to have an hour or two to sit and talk.

And for those who would like to see my talk, but can't actually be there, I am going to be posting my slides on line after my talk. Be aware though, I try to use slides correctly, so there won't be a lot of exposition on them, just highlights/points.

The topic is the different models/philosophies in Open Source Development. I will be talking about the model we use in Habari, the "meritocracy" model a great deal, but I will touch on some of the other big ones so that we can properly compare and contrast.