Ohio Linuxfest


Greetings from Ohio Linuxfest 2004, Bacchus, Skippy and a host of others have decended upon Columbus Ohio on this dreary Fall day to geek out on all things Linux.

I will be posting off and on through the day, so stay tuned.  Well it looks like the show is about to begin so see you soon.


I am sitting in the Novell presentation, "The Future of the Linux Desktop" so far so good.

I have to say that the "keynote" presentation was less than desireable.  He never introduced himself and his presentation rambled from Linux as a political system to a philosophy, and then even a religion.  Not very good.  Next up was Rich Bowen and his tweaking apache talk.  Very good, and very informative.  Rich had a wonderful audience for it and he looked comfortable.

Well back to the talk, I will post again when I can.