Quick Blog...
Here is a joke I found on the Chimera Mailing List:
Q. How many Microsoft engineers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A. None. They just change the standard to darkness.
If you don't get it, I am truly sorry.
And on another note, via blogs4God.com, I ran across this post, a transcript of a homily given by Fr. Joseph Wilson, a brother from the other side of the chasm.
Fr. Joseph and the Monsignor of that Parish have handled the Scandal that is raging around my latin brothers and sisters with tact and grace, and I thought it proper to link to it from here.
Pray for those that have been wounded by this travesty, accused and victim alike.
And yet another note.
While visiting over at MeanDeans Place I came across his latest post. It seems that fellow moderator, and New Zealander, Rachel Cunliffe who runs the blog Cre8d-design ::journal was grocked in the most unflattering way.
Find the whole story at WebPagesThatSuck.com.
And another thing, the guy who stole all the code and design, didn't even change the links for latest/email/info; they all still point to Rachels site.
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