Sitzen, Aufwartung, wünschend
Update 2: Stuttgart
Well I am updating this from my Hotel room in the Maritam in Downtown Stuttgart. The flight over the atlantic was uneventful and a joy, if you factor out the normal "Chris decends from 30,000 feet, suffers excrutiating ear pain and is deaf for 3 - 4 hours" that is.
Stuttgart is really a lovely city and I look forwarrd to exploring a bit more once I have had some shut-eye. I am not able to sleep on planes, so I have almost been up for 24 hours straight. Must sleep. Catch you Cats and Kittens later.
Update 1: Atlanta
I am sitting in a restaurant in the Atlanta International airport, hoping that the waitress actually decides... Oh! she just did. Well I have ordered a cheeseburger and a drink, lets see if it actually gets here before my flight.
The flight from Lexington was... interesting. Everytime they deployed the landing gear it sounded as though we were loosing a part of the plane that we really would rather not lose. Just scary.
We had quite a lot of turbulence along the way, thanks to that "weather" that you can see in my Flickr photostream. I don't actually have internet access here that I can find, so I will have to post this once I either get to my destination, or there is a miracle of biblical proportions and we have WiFi on the plane.
Well I will update again later.
Previously: Lexington
The title says it all I think. I am sitting in the waiting lounge at my gate whiling away the time until my flight arrives.
Some flights that Delta flys internationally carry WiFi, so I am hoping that I will be able to blog from 30k at some point on this trip.
Oh and what is there to do when you are waiting for a flight in Lexington, KY? Why a bourbon bar of course!
I will update this post as I can with my progress. Have a good one, and I can't wait to see everyone in Stuttgart. The one thing I am not happy about is the fact that I am leaving my pregnant wife for this week. Know that I love you Heather, and that I am counting the days until I am home again.
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