Snide remarks
I was zinged I suppose, yesterday by a visitor to this site.
He made a remark that the title of my post Bah! Stupid programming Pt. 3 was fitting because the site didn't appear correctly in his browser. You can read his remark here.
Again, let me say that this site is designed with standards and accessablitity[read: section 508, w3c accessability, not old crappy browser tech access.] So let me state again for the record:
This site is designed to display correctly in browsers 6.0 and newer for IE PC; 5.0 and newer for IE Mac, and any Gecko based browser.
So there, I hope that was clear enough for everyone. I do want you to come and enjoy my inanity just be aware that I chose a set of browsers to support and that your older browser may be unable to handle some of the code being thrown at it.
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