Streamline your writing
Hot off the presses, Frequent Reference for WordPress. Check the project page.
I don't know about you, but I find myself referencing the same companies and sites over and over again .
The idea
Quickly it becomes tiring to add the bits of HTML to each reference to make them into links. Usually I just get lazy and leave them hyperlinkless. This cannot continue!
To that end I have written a new plugin for Habari Project called "Frequent Reference" that allows you to make a list of all the companies/sites that you find yourself referencing again and again in your posts, and have them automagically hyperlinkified upon output to the browser.
How it works
Effectively you will write the HTML for your references one more time, and after that anytime you reference the site/company the plugin will take care of making it a link for you.
Once you activate the plugin, you will need to configure it via its customize panel:
As you can see you simply type in the word you will reference followed by the URL. You separate these with a comma. That's really all there is to it.
By way of example, the link to Habari in the above paragraph was created by the plugin. I simply wrote the word Habari. You will also notice that when I reference Habari in this paragraph, it isn't linked up. The plugin links up the first occurrence of the word, not all of them
There are improvements that can be made I am sure, but I think that for now it is ready for some more use out in the wild. I will eventually have this hosted in the extras repo, but until then you can grab it right here.
Download Frequent Reference 1.0 — for Habari
Download Frequent Reference 1.0 — for WordPress
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