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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Animationmanga

New Feature: Weekly Video


Starting today I am going to be doing a weekly video segment I am affectionately titling the weekly "You have got to be kidding me". First up, King David action figure with kung fun constipation grimace:

Defeat the Mob, stop complaining


Looks like I got a little delete happy yesterday and deleted Jeff and Colin's comments on this post. Sorry guys. Feel free to come back and comment again, I promise I won't nuke them this time.

Two new plugins


Yeah, thats right I am coming back at you with two new plugins. Well one plugin you can download now, and another that you will be able to download shortly.

Greatest beta thingy eva!


If you haven't seen this, you owe it to yourself to go there and click on it now.

There are times, when you realize


You have been working to much. In these moments things that are the most needful seem to be pushed out of your over-crowded brain and become scattered like so many leaves after a fall storm.

Epic fail mama, epic fail


I tried internet, I really tried. I forced myself to go back to photoshop time and again and each time it was like a root canal.

Choose your own adventure


It is that time of the year again, it has been a couple of months and I am now tired of the current version of this site. Redesign Time! Get ready for the twist.

Dallas Twestival


Tomorrow night around 6:00pm cst, I will be joining a handful of other volunteers at Mockingbird Station for the first annual Twestival. We are hoping to raise a significant amount of money for charity:water.

Absolutely Brilliant


Just change "Reagan Administration" to "Bush Administration". Hell change it to "Obama Administration" since this President is already shaping up to be cut from the same cloth.