Sillyness Spelled Wrong Intentionally » Browsing the Apple-computers tag

Top 10 Posts Tagged With Apple-computers

Into the great beyond...

Well in around 5-10 minutes my wife and I will be packing into her parents car and heading to Georgia for a family get-together.



Here it is, what we have all been waiting for:

This Day in History...

On this day in history, in the year 1999 Heather Ann Morgan said the words "I do" to one Christopher Jason Davis, making him quite possibly the luckiest and happiest man on the face of the planet.

Pictures of the gang...

I am working on adding support for photo galleries to the blog so that I can start sharing some images of my life and those in it.

Mmmmm, No more spam...


At least in comments.

New Google feature...

Well gentle readers it seems that our friendly neighborhood spider-crawler is crossing the line of decency.

Thanks Giving...


On this day of family, turkey and football, I would like to extend peace and happiness to all the readers of this site, in the name of Christ, and hope that your day is filled with love and hope.

My Lucky Someday

I would like to welcome back the guys in My Lucky Someday to the net.

The pics are back...

UPDATE: Yeah, I have been informed that the wrapping that is supposed to be going on is not registering in IE on Windoze.  I have looked into it and can't find anything wrong with my code, so that makes me believe that IE requires some …

Welcoming Brandon Brown...

Yeah that is right, another blogger has been officially added to the group here at