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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Blowhards


As if life wasn't complicated enough for Apple Computer, now SCO is investigating the potential for intellectual copyright infringement, specifically concerning Linux companies, Apple Computer, Microsoft, BSD versions of Unix, and other companies using the various operating systems.

RIAA Gaining Ground


Via WhatDoIKnow by way of the New York Times (registration required), it seems that the evil gluttons at the RIAA have won a decisive battle in their quest to destroy independent labels and artists (under the guise of stemming the flow of unauthorized mp3 sharing).



WARNING: The story that I link to below is a work of Science-Fiction, and contains some profanity, so gentle reader if you are one whose sensibilities are offended easily, please do not follow it.

Mmmm... Mary Tyler Moore.


Enjoy this image provided via Mena Trott by way of

Ahh... features


Well the last piece of techology has been added to the site.

New Face... Pt. 2


Well I have made further updates to the new layout and I must say that I am happier.

Safari moving along...

Over @ Surfin' Safari the weblog of moz-head and Apple lover David Hyatt, the news is good (I designed that site... hehe) indeed for fans of Safari.

New Face


Well welcome to the new face of



DATELINE Ireland, January 11th 2003

A super-fast new web browser has won a Mullingar student the top prize at this year's Young Scientist competition. The browser invented by 16 year old Adnan Osmani runs up to five times as fast as normal browsers.

It took him …