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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Commute



Blog Design Solutions


Well even though my name aint on it (hoping that is going to be remedied) this is the book that I and Michael (sure HIS name is listed) wrote a WordPress chapter for.

Displaced Designers


Check this: If you are a displaced designer from the Katrina ravaged lands, and find yourself in need of a place to stay/work until you can regain your footing this site is for you. via molly

Mint 1.0


Shaun has released Mint 1.0 and from the movie it is impressive.

WordPress Sillyness


I have been prodded off and on to set up a section of my site that lists all of the various WordPress related plugins and such that I have written.  So I finally thought I would begin that.

Fresh and Clean returns

At least for a little while.

flash suxxors


This 'webcomic' from Webjillion captures my flash sentiments perfectly.  If you haven't checked out the comics at Webjillion you should, very funny.  And he stole my idea!

For those about to rawk, We publish you! - Part 3


I have added a sample PDF that shows a couple of pages from a book I designed using these instructions.  You can download the file here it is around 1.5 megs.

So far we have covered the why of Publishing with Lulu, and demystified some of the options that are available to you when publishing with them.  Now it is time to get to everyones favorite part, the how.



Could it, be... has the sun come back from hiding, are there rainbows and busses full of hippie's rejoicing? Has John come back?

Google Talk

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Just a quick post to say that yes google is releasing an IM thingy today, and yes it is using Jabber, and yes you can get it to work in iChat.