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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Commute

ApacheCon Cometh

Well ApacheCon Europe is looming close on the horizon and I am making last minute preperations for the trip.

9rules, Round 2

The time is now!  submissions are open for round 2, for the love of all that is Holy go and submit your site... help us make the network more diverse (read => site topic as well as all the mundane gender and race stuff) and deep!

The time has come my friends.  Round 2 of 9rules submissions has come.

CJD Notepad: Released


CJD Notepad has moved out of beta testing and into a release phase.

I have squashed all the bugs that were identified in the beta, and Notepad is now feature complete, at least for this iteration.

Podcasting with WordPress


Featured Article on the 9rules network

I was asked by Matt sometime ago if I would create an entry in Codex describing how to podcast with WordPress.  There is already a nice article there, but I thought I would go ahead and create this tutorial for the sake of completeness.

Welcome those of you surfing here from 9rules, Airbag Industries, Photo Matt and Forever Geek.  I am continually surprised when someone thinks my ramblings here are worth mentioning, so thanks for the linkup Scrivs and Greg!

So here it is, I decided to record this tutorial as a podcast as well as a proof of concept.  Enjoy.

Secrets of WP Theming: Part 3


Well it is time again for everyones favorite series.  So far we have covered some pretty groovy stuff.  Part 1 showed us how to create custom code laden templates that can be applied to blank pages in WP to achieve some gnarly effects.

CJD Notepad in Beta


So my buddy Kartooner tells me he had this great idea for a plugin.  What if we had a place to store information gathered for a post that was outside of the post mechanism, a place to take "notes"?  He had looked around (apparently not …

CJD Notepad, your post research assistant


CJD Notepad provides a mechanism to create and manage "notes".  Notes can hold any information that you are collecting to use in a post later, instead of creating a draft or privte post for these snippets you can now just create a note.

Almost go time


There is now a little more than a month till drbacchus and I leave for Stuttgart and ApacheCon Europe.

Secrets of WP Theming: Part 2


When last we met we talked about Using custom templates to add pages to WP that don't necessarily call for posts or categories, etc.  Today we continue our exploration of custom templates by looking at another little known power hidden within the theme system: Per Category templates.

Secrets of WP Theming: Part 1


Today I am beginning a series on some of the lesser known features of the Theme System in WordPress 1.5 , I am not sure how many parts there will be, might be just this one.  But don't count on it.  Here are Part 2