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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Console



Hey look at that, I am listed as "further reading" on the Wikipedia entry for CSS. Makes me all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it.

Summer of Collaboration


Although we didn't make it into Google's Summer of Code this year (although we were told we made the short list), that doesn't mean that we have abandoned the idea of mentoring young coders.

I had a blast


One of the things I really miss is being able to teach. In my current position I don't have a lot of opportunity to operate in the role of teacher. I was a guest speaker/lecturer today in a Journalism design class and man, it felt …

The problem of free iPhone apps


So I have been thinking about the changing landscape of iPhone development lately. Everyone was all excited when Apple announced the SDK, and said that they wouldn't be charging any fees for free apps to be distributed through the store.

Get a clue people


One of my new vices is watching the home improvement shows on HGTV. Heather and I are working out the home improvements/renovations we want to get done this year, and the shows we have been watching have been pretty helpful with that.

I'm an iPhone Developer!


At least that is what the email from Apple, Inc. said. Very funny. I am hoping to create an APP powered blogging app for Habari to begin with. Should be fun.

Another day


Another conference.

Stop the Spaminess!


Look people, even if you type the comment by hand, if your site looks like a spam site, I will not approve your comment. And yes, I check your site before I approve you. Leave me alone!

All Hail the HD


So this past Saturday, my family and I rejoined the ranks of the non-antenna using tv watchers. It has been around 4 years since I had something other than OTA, so I was really looking forward to getting more than the 15 stations we had.

Last year I made the jump into HD, and since then I have been loving watching all the HD I could get my hands on. Thankfully all the local stations in my area broadcast their prime time line up in HD, so we had a pretty decent selection of shows to watch.

The long road to HD

When I began to be frustrated with my viewing choices, I started looking around for options where pay HD content was concerned. My choices were a tad slim to say the least. Since making the move to HD I have steadily become a hater of all things SD. I don't want to watch stuff in SD anymore, if I did I would have bought a Digital SD set, not an HD one.

Much to my dismay, all the providers in my area only offered HD as an add on to a traditional SD package. Since I would never voluntarily watch those stations, it seemed like to high a premium for a couple of HD stations. I was out of luck as they say. Thankfully my luck was about to change.

My favorite part


Of this video is that Robin is Rachel. Priceless. Via Garret Murray who is now sporting the tumblog.