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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Life-hack

An answer to the quiz


There were a couple of people who were close, but no one hit it on the nose, so here is what I did:

Sillyness First: a quiz!


So, this is going to be a Mac OS X tip in the form of a quiz... MacGyver style.

User Tagging: Some Results


It has been roughly one month since I started my little end user tagging experiment, so let's take a look at the results.

Testing the waters


Nevermind, the machine is now spoken for.

CCCU Con Day 3


Well I am in the last session of the conference, and strangely I am pretty impressed.

CCCU Con Day 1


Unfortunately I can't give you a glowing report so far from this conference.  Currently I have sat through two sales pitches, not even very good ones either, and a keynote where all of the speakers points were supported by gross generalizations.

Out of touch, after a fashion


I am leaving today to attend the CCCU Tech Conference where for once, I will be attending and not speaking. Hopefully I can learn me something.

Someones having a birthday


And that somebody is me.  Today is my 29th birthday... the last of my twenties going by.

More AJAX hotness


If you haven't yet noticed, there is a new version of the Flickr website.

An irritating problem


I am having an odd problem, and I have run out of patience trying to solve it.