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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Life

Broadcast networks need an upgrade

My wife and I decided, many moons ago, to do away with our satellite.  This decision was constructed with equal parts practicality and idealism.

The whotey whaten now?

Right, let me explain.  We had been having the feeling, that as time passed, Heather and I were becoming slaves to the mind numbing box sitting in our living room.  We weren't talking to each other as much, and I wasn't reading nearly enough.  So in the back of my mind there had been this growing desire to just shut off the idiot box and talk to my wife again... to read more and maybe, just maybe GO OUTSIDE.

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!


Happy Pascha everyone!

Huh, would you look at that

Apparently is still trafficing in products from the near future.  Earlier this afternoon there was an ad for a PowerMac G5 Dual 2.7 gig desktop tower.  Interesting since that product hasn't been announced by Apple as of this publishing.

Oh Glorious day!


I just noticed that, along with all the other cool features and bugs squashed in Safari 1.3 Hyatt finally got min-height working!

Of Desktops and Pro Accounts

Well I haven't really been able to make a "proper" downloads area due to my schedule, but you can find the first batch of desktops here: /download/desktop/.



For some reason that is beyond me

Spring has Sprung

That's right.  Spring has finally reached us here at the compounds of Sillyness.  I ventured out for a moment this beautiful afternoon to snap a few pictures.

My Office at Asbury, A Sneak Peak


Now keep in mind that the office hasn't been cleaned up, or divested of non-webmaster furniture and other errata (this happens this weekend I am told).

Temporary Solutions


As you can see I am running the always shiny Rin from Khaled.

Increasing the Flash Gordon Noise


Yes, I know there are some "strange" things going on around Sillyness currently.