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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Personal

Well would you look at that!


Well, well, how about that, it seems that Katie, our resident Audrey Hepburn look-alike has deemed it meet and right to link to this humble space concerning this post.

What in the World?

I know that I was not supposed to be blogging about just anything... but this is just to good to let pass by.

Almost There...


Well it has been awhile since my last post. I think that I am doing well adhereing to my vow of non-blogging.

The Fast has Begun...


Some people around the net have noticed that I have been silent lately.

A little clarification...


Recently James over at Random Thoughts has recounted parts of a conversation that he and Simeon from Simeon's Hit and Miss of Theological Thought and I had at my home last Thursday evening.

Magic Schoolbus

It seems that a pioneering Technologist in Britain has used a 3G Mobile Phone to provide internet access to the 21 Apple Laptops on The Manx Telecomputer Bus, a fully outfitted Commuter Bus purchased by the Isle of Man to bring Computer exposure to the …

Windows into Reality Pt. 2


Well it has been Seventeen Days since my plea for help in raising fundage to attend the Workshop with the master and as of this moment the couffers are still pretty bare.

Safari (v62) Or something like it.

UPDATE: Upon further consideration, I am wondering if Apple allowed (v62) to be leaked.   I mean Apple legal is pretty much on top of things and there hasn't been any other leaked builds of Safari that I am aware of.


I have ceased expecting objective, well researched journalism from online sources especially those that reside in Canada but this story just takes the cake.

The Hulk


Well just for Mr. Hibbity Gibbity, here are some links to the history of the Incredible Hulk.