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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Podcast-episode

Right, another redesign


I know what you all are thinking: Not Again.

Scandal and Shame


"This is a religiously themed post, so if that isn't your cup of tea, I understand and ask that you just ignore it. I will destroy with extreme prejudice any comments of a derogatory or inflammatory nature that are added to it. Consider yourself warned."

Me in the Big Easy


This week my family and I are in New Orleans for ApacheCon US 08.

Coming soon to a blog near you


Well the cat is out of the bag as it were, and that cat is Viewzi Site Search.

Its that time of year again


Pink for October has sprung!

The Road to JS enlightenment


Is littered with the bones of JS frameworks:

Down with stats


That's right, I said it. Down with stats. Once my contract with the text link advertiser Cyl0n Corp is over (end of this month) I am going to do two things:

Viewzi: week 1


So, what do I think of my decision to move, after a week... basically, of working here? I think it is the best decision I have made in the past 5 years, professionally, and personally.

Working hard at Viewzi


Not sure what happened, but I edited this post, and Habari deleted it, so here we go again.

Things I learned on the trip to Texas


So here is a short list of things that I learned on the way down to our new pad in Plano TX: