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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Process

Habari DR, and some bad news


Yes I was in on the joke. Owen asked me to be the "straight man" for this little prank, and I must say it worked out quite well. Owen and Scott are both very much committed to Habari for the long hall, fear not.

Springtime Rituals, a Viddler episode


So I am trying out the "Next Big Thing" in video sharing,

AppleTV, some random thoughts


The Apple TV is now shipping, and some lucky blokes like Walt Mossberg were given demo units to play with early.  I don't have much to say, other than as it stands now I will not be purchasing one, and here are some reasons why.

I want my DIVX!

Seriously Apple, come on.  H.264 is actually a beautiful codec; I have no complaints with the quality that you can get out of it.  What I will complain about is the footprint.  I can get the same, or better quality, from a DIVX encoded file that is sometimes half the size.  Period.

Current Side Projects


Update: Do to lack of support for DVI on my ATI video card, I have had to dump Ubuntu and go back to using the MacOS. This isn't something I am extremely happy about, but it works so I can't complain too loudly. I will have pictures and a write up of what I needed to make everything work soon.

So I like to have side projects to occupy my time with; usually these projects are required to have nothing to do with web programming, and if I can swing it, nothing to do with Computers in general.

I like to build stuff, so I usually try to have something cooking in that arena. My current building side project is to build an altar for our home. This is a long, involved process and as such it is very much on-going.

My current short term project was/is to build a digital media center, to replace my aging EyeHome. I have an aging G4 tower lying around the house so I thought I would see how far I could push the hardware. Surprisingly I can push it pretty far.

The State of the News


No, this isn''t an official communique from the wild frontier that is Habari, but it is a litle missive from yours truly about his favorite little baby.

Amazing Grace


Today, in the year 2007, the so-called civilized world still runs rampant with slavery. It is estimated that as many as 27 million people are in slavery today.

Holy Lent Draws Near


And it seems like it came out of nowhere.

Gravatars for Habari


And next, I am releasing a quick and dirty plugin that enables Gravatars on your Habari blog.

Akismet for Habari


Just an update. I am no longer maintaining this plugin. You can find a well written alternative over at Andrew Hutchings site.

So, why the move?


I am sure that is what a number of people are asking themselves... especially with the other people who have made the leap in the days since I spilled the beans here on Sillyness.