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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Season-2

Site Piracy.


I just stumbled across this site. This is sheer genius. It would benefit you all greatly to visit this site and help out the cause.

The other clone Saga.


In response to Tim's request I have added this little diddy about the other infamous Clone Saga, namely the Ben Reilly arc from Marvel Comics Spider-Man. In theory this could have been an insanely well written and thought out arc, the possibilities of having two…

The sweetness that is Apple

Well Apple refreshed thier product line again, with the addition of the long awaited Quicktime 6. This highly touted and slowly emerging peice of software should position the Lords of Cupertino, quite nicely in the coming digital maelstrom.

Chimera moves to nightly builds.


Chimera, Navigator, whatever it is supposed to be called, has finally gone to nightly builds and recieved a branch on the mozilla tree. They are a branch off of the mozilla 1.0 branch and will not return until after or around chimera 1.0.

Terry Brooks and "Voyage of the Jerle Shannara".


Well, well. It seems that the wise and descerning editors at Del Rey have seen fit to push the release of the next Terry Brooks novel, The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara: Morgawr up two full weeks to August 27th. Have to love that.

The erosion of Liberty


Recently President Bush has approved the augmentation of powers for the FBI, my intention originally was to post something scathing about it, but my friend Kevin Basil has done better than I could have.

Victory is Mine!... sort of.


Well it seem that Kevin aka Basil has found evidence to support my argument while he was attempting to discredit me.

Chimera vs. Navigator


Well Kevin has started another bruh haha(sp?), this time concerning the name of the gecko based cocoa browser for MacOS X.

Poke, Poke, Poke


Well, well. It seems that my response to Kevin, was met with some dissatisfaction, and so I would like to officially list the path to directly link to his blog.

Don't hold back the sarcasm...


Wow, my friend Kevin, whom I have mentioned here before has added me to his link list, so greetings to you if you are linking from there.