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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Security

Rumblings for the enterprise sector is running an article on the much rumored Xserve raid attatchment that would improve its appeal immensley. From the site:

I have found utopia...


I have reached a new level of awareness, because just a few seconds ago, I found it, the weblog of my personal hero; William Shatner.

Mmm.. hacking is good.


Hello all. I have just released a fully hacked version of Chimera, you can grab it here.

Check it out and let me know what you think.

Hyatt spouts off...


Well it seems that our friendly neighborhood Mozillian is today defending the Pheonix browser project headed by Asa.

Christopher Reeves...


Is Superman. Believe it or not, I ran into an article about the former, and apparently still Man of Steel at, the website of writer/director Kevin Smith.



I have officialy released two hacks for Chimera.

Ahh the Power...


That is right, after the long night of dialup yours truly is powered by ADSL.

Myths and Legends

It seem that the gentle souls at Spymac are attempting to become a little more legitimate, actaully hiring columinsts to add something other than wild rumours such as the one started by yours truly, here, wow would you look at that as of 11:21 it…

To hover or not to hover.


My oh my, Kevin Basil is at it again.