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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Shannara

The good, bad and the fugly...


I was just reflecting on this blog and the many discussions that have been had over the 283 posts and counting.

Trackback VS Pingback... revisited


UPDATE I will try again and make this as plain as possible.

Last time...


As the title implies this will be the last time that this is blogged about on this site.  I would like to respond to some of Mr. Hibbity's remarks in his last comment to Seriously Let Down.

More discourse...


Originally what follows was going to be a comment on the previous post entitled Seriously Letdown..., but it grew so large that I decided it deserved its own entry.  So here is my answer to our own Mr. Hibbity Gibbity to his question:  So wait…

Seriously let down...


I try not to blog about my faith that much anymore, since there are so many sites that I link to that do a much better job of communicating Orthodoxy than I ever could.

Back online


Sorry for the downtime folks.



Well well, there have been a few developments in the blogosphere low these past few days.

Stupider me Be...


I found out yesterday that apparently I have become less intelligent over the course of the past 11 years.

Posting Pics


Well it seems that Mr. Hibbity Gibbity and I have started a trend... somewhat.

New iBooks

Apple has unveiled a new... crappy design for their online store and quietly updated the G3 based iBook to 900mhs and a Radeon 7500 graphics processor.