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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Short-film

Hey look, new Sillyness


That's right, the old place has a new coat of paint. Although I really liked the previous design, it just didn't give me enough flexibility.

I had planned on starting a new series about WordPress MU, but the site design as it was just didn't lend itself to that sort of thing. So I decided to back off the series until I had a design that fit more with what I wanted to accomplish with Sillyness. So out came some new colors, a revamped logo, and the most striking change, a grid.

Avast, Ye!


Just reminding everyone that this Wednesday is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. And to help you get into the season appropriately, I again offer up my Talk Like a Pirate Day desktop wall paper. Grab it and flaunt it!

New Theme for Habari


The man, the myth, Michael Bishop has released a new theme for Habari that he lovingly crafted, named "mzingi" which means 'foundation' as skippy notes. Michael is very much foundational himself, so the title is apt. Everytime you use the manual in Habari, you are…

You will cower


When you witness the power of this fully operational web server! The CIO of the College I work at let us know today that we are getting a new webserver. Nearly 1 terrabyte of space, 4 gigs of ram and dual quad-core xeons. Bow before …

New Interview


There is a new interview with me up at Design Interviews. I talk about WordPress, Habari and being the Web Architect for a higher education institution. Good fun.

Excuse me?!


So we are getting iPhone unlocking, but you can only unlock the phone once, and it is $99?

Are you kidding me:

Pink for October


I will be going pink again this year during the month of October, as well as giving away a signed copy of my book.

Traveling update


I will be at the Future of Web Deisgn conference in New York in November, so any of you peoples out in the Big Apple area need to pick a place so we can hang out. Clint, I am looking at you pal.

iPhone Hacking


There have been a lot of articles out recently on how to hack your iPhone. The Inman recently posted instructions on how to add SSH to your phone, so that you can SFTP things to your phone.

I thought that it was time to post my little solution to this problem. When I started looking for my solution I had two requirements:

  1. Mount the iPhone as a removable drive
  2. Rehacking had to be dead simple, since I like to update my phone

I think my solution satisfies both of those requirements nicely. You ready to get more out of your iPhone? Good, lets get to it.

Another Habari Blog


Everyone give tinyau a round of applause! He relaunched his site yesterday, now powered by Habari. Welcome home man.