Sillyness Spelled Wrong Intentionally » Browsing the Short-film tag

Top 10 Posts Tagged With Short-film

The Proper use of Base HREF's


I am helping, off an on, a friend with a project that is powered by WordPress.  One of his latest hijinks, involved named anchors.

And the Saga is complete

At this very moment my wife and I along with a handful of friends are watching the scrolling text of a Star Wars opening.

This is not the Baton you are looking for


* Makes waving motion with hand *

This never works for me.  Bah, well I guess I have to participate in this meme then.

I have been passed the musical baton meme by Shawn so here we go:

Tiger Tip #2

If you are having problems with the finder recognizing blank media, a DVD or CD then this tip is for you.

CJD Rate-it!, finally


Yes, yes I finally got around to releasing my plugin that I use to add hearts and stars to my posts ala Binary Bonsai.

The Problem of Syndication

Lo many moons ago Sillyness only served its RSS feeds as excerpts.  My thinking behind this was that I did not want the majority of my traffic to become RSS readers (programs) as opposed to people.

For most site owners this would be a no-brainer, and I must confess that one side of me agrees, readers are readers and traffic is traffic.  Why should it matter the avenue by which your site visitors are able to consume your content?

It is a good question, and personally I do think it matters.

I am sooo behind


It is unbelievable how behind I have gotten on some more personal tasks.  Ever since I started the new job my time has become less and less free.

Two important points

Today I learned two important things:

  1. You can trust Optometrists.
  2. You can't trust Computer manufacturers websites.

How Many Rules?

Today is the big day, today I can announce that I am one of the last two members of the design/personal category of the 9rules network.

You can find Scrivs all-too-kind words over at the official site, and just let me say that Scrivs gets a +10d to his flowery words skill for that right up.

My first Tiger Tip


If you are running Mac OS 10.4 Tiger and you notice your fonts look like doo doo, open System Preferences > Appearance and set the font smoothing to Standard - Best for CRT.