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Custom Excerpts for WordPress

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So I have already been asked a couple of questions about the new deisgn; namely how do I make WordPress give me the entire commenting history for an individual commenter, and how am I doing my excerpts in the recent entries column.

When redesigns == torture


You know it is time to just launch the thing, and take a breather.

Rebooted, almost


Well comments are now working again, but they are kinda ugly still.  I should have them 'not fugly' in the next hour or so, bear with me.  Oh and let the commenting begin!

Lookey what I found


Found this on flickr, through some strange circumstance.  Blog Design Solutions at Piccadilly Circus:

A quick tip


If you are a proud owner of an eyehome and an HDTV, configure your eyehome for 720p, even if your set is capable of 1080i.

Google Calendar


Well, well.  Google is serious about removing the need for desktop software aren't they?

Pearls of Wisdom from a Ninja


So time for another exciting new feature here at Sillyness, The Wisdom of the Ninja, gleaned from Ask a Ninja.

What a way to wake up


I was welcomed this morning with a flickr mail that let me know that someone had created a Being Chris J. Davis flickr group.

Where am I exactly?


I am sure some of you are wondering where I am lately, and what I am up to.  Quite a few irons are in the fire currently, let me show you a couple of them.

On the book front

Hot on the heels of my Blog Design Solutions experience I was offered a book deal of my own by Apress. I am 5 chapters in on a book that covers development with WordPress.  Aren't you all excited?

Watershed Moments


UPDATE: Thanks everyone for your thoughtful comments. The good news: Jakob came through the surgery fine, and is recovering remarkably well.  The bad news: the procedure was only partially successful.  They are going to have to go back in and perform a similar procedure in …