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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Youth

Changes in the air

I had hinted before that the change in design here was the harbinger of more drastic, and I hope profound things to come here at Sillyness.  I guess it is time to talk a little about that now.

To really have this story hit home, you need to know a bit about who I am, and where I have come from.  While in college I studied art, not because it was the only thing that I could do, but because of all things that I could do, it was the one that promised to allow me to communicate with people long after I had passed on.

Happy Birthday!

Today my wonderful wife, mother of my child, bestest friend turns my age!

Apachecon US Day 2


Well we are at Day 2 and I have made my presentation.  I am not sure how I feel about it, it was better than Stuttgart but I am still not sure that it was good.

Apachecon US Day 1


I am sitting awaiting the 'official' opening of the conference, and the first keynote by Cory Doctorow.  I am super excited about Cory's keynote, I have been a huge fan of his since reading 0wnz0red, a wonderful short story he published at Salon.

I made it and boy is my room sweet!

Tagged and

Well I made it safe and sound to the hotel that Apachecon is being held at.  I really prefer to have the con be at the venue we are staying at, makes things much more convenient.

And so it begins

I am sitting in the terminal ready to board my plane for apachecon US 2005.

Some much needed changes

Well as you can see there has been a change here at Sillyness; namely that I am running Fauna by my pal Joen.

The Time has come


Dear lord God in heaven, LuLu has hardbound books with dust jackets!

The news of my death

Has been greatly exagerated.

CJD Transmogrifier


For the first time in a long time, this release isn't for WordPress but Safari.