Temporary Changes... Pt. 2


Well as you can see the site is still at the temporary URL.

After getting in the house yesterday I found that the xDSL was not running, but the phone was, after speaking with an Alltel rep I was informed that they had not even sent out a technician to verify the line was xDSL capapble since they are short staffed at this time.

Now I really have no problem with that in theory; Alltel is suffering through union negotiations, also known as a strike, and so they are indeed "short handed".  My problem lies in the fact that I was told two weeks ago when I arranged for my service to be moved that it would take three days more to move the xDSL than it would to move the basic service.

My phone was scheduled to be activated by the 3rd of July, and it was; it is now the 16th of July and I still don't have any connectivity.  It seems to me that this is taking a little longer than three days.