
Recently while wading through the chaff over at Apple Turns, I stumbled across this gem:

According to Nielsen, "those who surf the Web using a Mac tend to be better educated and make more money" than those surfing via Windows. Nielsen also found that Mac users were "more Web savvy," meaning that half of us have apparently been cruising the 'net for "at least five years." We're also reportedly 58% more likely to build our own web pages and "slightly more likely" to buy stuff online. That's presumably in part because we boast "above-average household income and education levels" (ooh la la). It seems that over 70% of us online Mac users have some form of college degree, compared to just 54.2% of the entire online population. C'mon, admit it-- you always knew we were better; it's just that now we have the numbers to prove it.

Now, to be serious for a moment, here, of course we realize that Nielsen's findings don't really state that we're a better class of people than those lowly PC-using mouth-breathing pariahs, because to believe that would make us elitist or something, if not necessarily correct. But c'mon, go ahead-- be insufferable for a while. Dance a little superior dance. Leave aside the egalitarian ideals for just a few minutes and consider it karmic realignment for all those times some dork with a name tag snickered at you when you asked about Mac software in Best Buy. Revel in the fact that, on average, every skeeze who ever mocked your platform choice because "Macs are toys" is making less money than you are. As long as you keep a reasonable sense of perspective, really, what harm could it do?

Well there you have it, is there really anymore that needs to be said? I think not.