What are you People doing?!

For the love of Mike! I have just had it with all the detractors out there, who are using OS X, and keep spouting off about the claims that Apple has made regarding the stability, speed and ease of use, and don't get me started about the drek being spued about backward steps in usability.

I am running X.1.5 on my Powerbook G3 Wallstreet, did you get that, a five year old mac, and I do computer programming, web design, graphic design, play games and a thousand other things. You know what, my mac has crashed twice since I switched to X full time. And those two times were my fault (I was using Haxies that I really shouldn't have.)

I think that you should probably stop using the cd-rom tray as a cup holder, and buy a Clue by Four, here is where they sell them. As for the speed, My system is only marginaly slower than under classic, when classic would run that is. And the idea that this system is harder to use than Classic, ... I can't really speak to something that uninformed, try as I might, I find it impossible to formulate a response to that idea. Chances are that if I could formulate a response, you wouldn't understand, since I don't speak Australopithecus ramidus. (For those of you who are not geeks of the magnitude that I am, Australopithecus ramidus, is the "beginning of the race of man", dating back to around 4.4 million years ago. Which if you are at all familiar with me or this blog, you will no doubt know I think is a steaming pile of horse excrament.)
