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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Apple-computers



The Power Plant

And the Winner is

Michael has posted on his site about his victory, so please go there and congratulate him as well.  I appreciate the visit here, but he is the Big Winner, not me!

5 years

I don't have a lot of time at the moment to write a proper post about this, so I am going to just publish this and then edit it later to include what I really want to say.

Firefox in the New York Times


The Mozilla Foundation has reached thier goal and placed an ad in the New York Times the ad appears in todays (December 16th) edition of the Times.

FF7: Advent Children

The newest trailer for the "movie" Advent Children has been added to the japanese site.  Go watch it, and then come back here and read the rest of this post, wherein the author pontificates on the failure of Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within.

And Here is Another One


Skippy is at it again over at NewsForge.  This time he is outlining a simple whitelist method to help safegaurd childrens email

Mr. Hibbity Gibbity

Mr. Hibbity Gibbity

I have been meaning to post about this for a pretty long time, but for many reasons I have not felt comfortable trusting my words until now.

2004 Weblog Awards


The contest is over, and commenting is closed.  All hail the Big Winner: Michael Heilemann!  Read the announcement over here.

Manji 1.0


I apologize that it has taken me this long to post about this, but I have been busy getting Persian 1.0.1 ready for release as well as working on cleaning up the mess around Fresh and Clean.  But as we all know, anything worth having is worth waiting for.