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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Commute



I have not laughed this much in a long time, walk, no run to watch <a href="" title"Homer Simpson as Master Chief">homertage, and in the immortal words of Homer Simpson "Save my Jebus!"

Sorry to be doing this again

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Well I am going to have to push off the last installment of my Publishing with LuLu series one more day.

orange is good at inkfinger


I have been a fan of the dynamic duo over at inkfinger for a while now.

K2 Beta One: Sunday

Announcing the immediate availability of K2 Beta One, quite possibly the most advanced Theme ever released for WordPress 1.5.2 powered websites.

Man I am busy lately!

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I know that I promised the last installement of my Publising with LuLu series by the middle of this week, and it is now the end of the week with no article.

For those about to rawk, We publish you! - Part 2


And we are back again for Part 2 of my series on Self Publishing with  Back in Part 1 we looked at some examples of 'books' that had been printed through LuLu.  Today we will talk about the different printing options, binding options, how to calculate final cost and the different distribution methods available.

User Group a go... sorta

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I have been kicking around an idea for a comic for a while now called 'User Group'.  It is a synthesis of geekery and ridiculousness that fits snugly into the fabric of SsWi.

For those about to rawk, We publish you! - Part 1


At least that should be's slogan.

My good mate Khaled posted about discovering LuLu over on his site, saying he was going to order a sample from them to see if the quality was up-to-snuff.

Having had some experience with LuLu myself, I thought I would weigh in on this, and then thought "Hey! this would be a good opportunity to write a series on self-publishing."  So here we go.

As I am sure you are aware by now, I am very much interested in self publishing.  My main platform at the moment is the web, but I have been involved in real world publishing as well.  Anything that gives the power back to the author/artist is of keen interest to me.

That being said, I have been a LuLu since 2003 or so, and have had 3 'books' printed by them.  I can't say enough how high the quality is.  If you are an illustrator or cartoonist and have ever thought of publishing, then listen up.

Lifehut is a go

Hey guys, long time no blog eh?