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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Commute

SVN on MacOS X


So you want to get Subversion running on your mac, complete with nifty finder integration?  Good, welcome to the wonderful world of revision control.

ApacheCon Europe Final Day

I am now sitting in the terminal in Detroit waiting for my connecting flight to Lexington.  I have been here since 5:30 est and my plane doesn't leave until 9:09 est... suckage.  Add to that my body thinks it is actuall 1:55 in the morning …

Sorry for the downtime

Seems like things are back to normal.  The "problem" was kinda strange, and I am not sure how it was possible honestly.

Partial DVD Collection

I was checking up on Michael this evening and found that he had posted a shot of his DVD collection via Delicious Library.  I thought that he had a great idea so here is my partial library.

Sachen I haben in Deutschland erlernt

I have learned a couple of very important facts already this week.

Some Safari Surprises

As evidenced by the comments below this is apparently a third party product.  What mystifies me is how it came to be on my machine, since I did not download and install it.  Who knows.  If you are a Safari user who would like this addition hop over to here and download it.

I updated my home machine to 10.4.2 tonight and after launching Safari I noticed something odd:

web dev additions

CJD Notepad: Version


Just a quick update for CJD Notepad.  You can find full notes on Notepads official home, there is one big addition and two smaller ones.