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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Design

Announcing QuickNest

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QuickNest is now for sale on Gumroad! It's been 23 days since my last release. Time to set that clock back to 0. I am pleased to announce that QuickNest my newest app is now available on Github under the ASL 2.

Capturing the contents of a WebView

So one of the upcoming features for Two 1.1 is converting the contents of the mobile view into a PNG for later use. This seems like an easy task, but can be tricky if you don't think it through.

Why Two

So I have been getting a lot of "What's the difference between Two and ____________?" the past few days. Instead of continuing to rehash the same response in 140 characters or less, I thought I would outline some of the features that are unique to …

Announcing 2.

So as some of you may know, in the way back times, I built my own custom web browser, named Cunning. It was very much a labor of love, but love it I did.

Virginia Poltrack, through Glass

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Finally, a use for Glass that I can get behind. Great videos of Virginia making some pretty amazing art. I love her aesthetic and love, love, love that she is sharing her process with the rest of us. You can find more of her amazing …

Songs as windows into our own suffering

I have been listening to the Avett Brothers a lot more lately. One of my favorite songs from their album "The Carpenter" is Through My Prayers. It is a hauntingly beautiful song on it's own, but given my own history it becomes compelling, painful and…

Getting that Ghost Drag and Drop effect

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While I am mostly meh when it comes to Ghost, which as I have said before is just a node.js version of Habari, they did come up with some ideas that are novel, and dare I say it, useful.

Quick Tip: Dribbble Shots and SSL

So over on my business site I include the 6 most recent dribbble shots in my footer, but have always run into an SSL problem

The Case for Patronage.

It's funny how life changes, and with it your vision of who you are and what you would love to be. I find as we age that we refine the image we have for ourselves, and with it what we hope to contribute to the …

The Majesty that is Kung Fury

I can't even begin to unpack the awesomeness of this project. The trailer they show is epic, the concept is rad and the execution is flawless. This needs to be a feature length film. Don't let me down internet. Don't let me down.