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Top 10 Posts Tagged With Learning

If you have ever given a presentation

You have got to see this little gem.  A presentation on Web 2.0 from (24)slash7 that just keeps giving.

Papa's got a brand new bag

That's right people the Davis family just got a serious upgrade.  I took delivery of my shiny new 20 inch iMac today.

9rules, round 3


Well it is that time again, the 9rules Network is opening its doors to all those interested in good content and increased traffic.

Akismet is loose


Just a quick little ditty to point you all to the latest release from our fearless leader Matt Mullenweg.  Spam fighting goodness with a little pinch of CJD Spam Nuker thrown in for flavor.

Variables in your CSS via PHP

Tagged and

There are a number of ways to use PHP with other web languages and technologies.  I myself use PHP in some of my JS scripts and sometimes even in CSS files.

Finally I can download tv shows


Not only was I right about the video iPod, but my goodness, you can buy tv shows from the Music Store now... my digital life is almost complete. Lets hope that the catalog of shows grows quickly.

new ipod thingies


Can you smell it in the air... Apple is about to announce a new product in the award winning iPod line.

Some pictures of Jakob and Family


And for those who are dying to see something, here are a few images of Jakob, his mother and some of the family that were gathered here with us for his birth.

Baby Davis update


Wow, what a whirlwind 24 hours this has been!

Apparently its time


Our motley crew is about to pack into some cars and head off to the hospital to have this baby!